Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Laugh it up, it's good for you!

They say "when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade", i say "laugh it up as hard as you can!"
In the most difficult times of my life, the moment of stress, unknown, pain, or fear i would always try to find the strength to keep my smile and even joke about it. And you know what? That really helped me to keep going. That is something i want to pass to my sons too. To laugh it up, even if you have just got slapped from life. A laughter and a smile is the best defense mechanism that will and can protect and help you to overcome almost everything!

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Parents:Childhood guardians*

Since i became a parent my life, like all of you that are parents, has changed forever! There you are with a tiny little creature that awaits from you to built a world for him/her, to love and protect and keep it alive actually. With no studies, manuals and previous experiences you have been chosen to handle this job, this project, the biggest  project of your life. Its more than a job title, it's a lifetime commitment. Congratulations you have been chosen to be a parent! Welcome to the unknown.