Friday, 27 January 2017

A hymn for Greek people

Reaching for the light through a cave in Chios island
Philoxenia means Hospitality and is a Greek term. A concept that Greek people always had in their lives. Since ancient times Greeks were welcoming the foreign, the new (my name Neofili, means friend of the new actually!) Greece has always been the oasis for the people from North and from colder climates. The place where they plan their honeymoon, the country that trust for beautiful holidays, the most sacred time of everyone's life. The place where they go because they now they will find big smiles, open arms and a lot of great food and sceneries. But Greece proved lately that it is there at dark times also. At times that people need a helping hand, a lifesaver literally and metaphorically. Times that nobody wants to witness. Greek people in the refugee crisis became the lighthouse, the hope and the road to a new life.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

What's your job? (pause) Stay-at-home mom/dad... Hmm

On my role as an entertainer!
In the years I have been traveling and meeting other moms like me, and by saying like me I mean stay-at- home moms (sorry didn't met any stay-at- home dads although i know they exist and are doing a great job), there was always a cloud over us when somebody was making the very logical and normal question: "Do you work?" The short answer was "no, I am a stay-at- home mom" but most of the times a "but" and "because" had to come after that answer so to defend ourselves that we are not those women, that you see in the American reality shows that are pampering and drinking wine all day. Believe me our lives have no glamour, sparkles (well maybe if you have little girls in the house) and we don't live in a pink fluffy cloud, although it sounds nice.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

2017 health resolution: Go to an Osteopath!

When I was back in Greece and working for the media sector, I was at one point specialized to write and report for alternative medicine and therapies. I was also keen to find new super foods, the next big effective diet and therapy or technique, anything new, interesting and different.  So for example I knew about the Alexander technique (great therapy for dancers and people with problem with their posture), but for one reason i never came across osteopathy, although it is not a new therapy since it was founded in the late 1800s by physician and surgeon Andrew Taylor from Missouri, USA. I knew physiotherapy and the work of a chiropractor, but osteopathy was never one of those techniques and therapies that fallen under my attention. Not until I moved to the Netherlands. And funny enough the first encounter was for my baby boy, and not for me!