Saturday, 9 June 2018

How acupuncture helped me

I love alternative medicine. I am fascinated about ancient civilizations and the healing methods they were using. Uses of herbs, flowers, spices, oils, meditation, natural approaches. Massages and therapies used as natural healers. Emotional healing and physical healing is possible through these path. Because most of the time these two are connected. I found that this methods have such a wholesome approach with main focus to bring to the person balance on mind and body. So after my great osteopathy experience and still having flair ups with my aching shoulder i reached out to a friend that is an acupuncture therapist and performs a 5 element acupuncture, to seek for help. Little didn't i know what i was about to find out... my shoulder was just an outcome, and outcry of something deeper... I was ready to let my qi (chee) flow!

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Our trip to Disney World - How to survive mentally, emotionally and physically

Disney world. How many kids have cried and screamed the lungs out, in front of the camera and then been watched on a you tube video from millions, when their parents were announcing to them: "WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!" How many people they have choose to go there for their honeymoon, birthdays, or graduations? The hot place to be on your school/college spring break. Disney World is the land of our dreams. Is the place where everyone is allowed to feel as a kid. Where the adults are overwhelmed and some even emotional from meeting and hugging the famous Mouse and his gang. The place where all the family members can be happy. But is also the place where the word LINES and WAITING sometimes steal the limelight from the actual famous residents of the park. So if a visit there is on your bucket list of "things i want to do before i die" then keep some notes, and go prepared. Mentally, emotionally and physically. Ah and of course financially!

Monday, 15 January 2018

What -a lot of- stress can teach you

My stress reliever 

It is the first month of the New year and since i rarely have resolutions  i will just go with you through some realizations and lessons i learned from the past challenging year i had, and still partially have, and maybe you had also, and you too looking for ways to overcome and move on. 

Red sign! STRESS was my biggest challenge of all.  I am not going to lie, i have never been the person that has the most cool reaction when there is an issue or a problem, but this time everything was seriously out of proportion. Mountains after mountains that i had to climb, and obstacles to overpass. Accumulations of  "you must do" and losses of "i want/need to do"